mardi 15 octobre 2024

Cocktail Lamp #2

    3 more Cocktail Lamps for today. Find the previous ones here, continuing on the old batch.

    Thanks to the WSPC France discord for feedback.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3


lundi 14 octobre 2024


      Nurisho is a variant of nurikabe that uses center symmetry to define regions. IT IS NOT NURI-UZU. Here are the rules :

    Shade some cells on the board to create unshaded regions.

- No 2x2 square can be entirely shaded.

- All shaded cells form an orthogonally contiguous area.

- A region is defined by its center of symmetry, located at a white dot. All white dots are given and all reginos must contain a dot.

    Thanks to WSPC France discord for testing and feedback.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


dimanche 13 octobre 2024

Word Snail 🐌

      Word Snail today. An old puzzle which works really well with the theme (from an old french meme). Here are the rules :

    Place all words in the grid.

- Words are written from the outside to the center, following the thin edges (following the spiral).

- No letter may be repeated in a row or column.

- Two words are separated by at least one white cell. No spaces are allowed between letters of the same word.

    Thanks to WSPC France discord for testing and feedback.

Penpa+ interface


samedi 12 octobre 2024

Yajilin (Region Pointers)

     Another Yajilin variant, this time I dove into region clues (with rules like this regyaj) and tried to make a ruleset out of mixed arrows and regions. The result : Regional Pointers, is hard to work with, but maybe the idea can be explored further.

    Yajilin rules : Each arrows bears a value equal to the number of shaded cells it sees. Arrows cannot be shaded and the loop MUST pass over arrows. For each region, the number of black cells is equal to the sum of all arrows' values.

    Thanks to Menderbug and Wessel for testing and feedback.

Killer Cages : Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2 | Regions : Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


vendredi 11 octobre 2024

Slitherlink (Swapped Pairs)

     The variant Slitherlink (Swapped Pairs) was created by myself on the fly during a speed setting contest. The "Swapped Pairs" could work for a lot of puzzles, I think it has potential.

    Normal slitherlink rules apply. For each color, one pair of clues must have their values swapped while the other remains untouched. White clues behave normally.

    Note : the first puzzle has a disconnected purple pair in 2 corners of the puzzle. These 2 single cells are considered a pair.

    Second puzzle was the winner of the SSC (I labelled myself as ??? as we need to be anonymous for non-biased judging), the first one was made for this post.

    Thanks to Rook, Stef, Superrabbit and TwoHoleStraw for testing and feedback on 1st puzzle, and again Superrabbit for the SSC.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2

jeudi 10 octobre 2024

Cocktail Lamp 🍸🔦

      Cocktail Lamp (I use clamp for short) (no idea why that name) is a shading genre. You can find an older one here, but today's post is part of an old set when I first discovered the genre. Here are the rules :

    Shade some cells on the board to form blocks.

- Regions contain no more than one block, which is an orthogonally connected group of shaded cells.
- A number indicates the size of the block in the region.
- Shaded cells cannot be adjacent across region borders.
- The shaded cells cannot form a 2x2 square.
- All blocks form a diagonally contiguous area.

Rules taken from - click here for a solved example.

    Here are the first 3 puzzles from a set of 9. The rest will be published in 2 more blocks of 3.

    Thanks to WSPC France discord for feedback. : Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3

mercredi 9 octobre 2024

Numbrix Loop

     An idea from Bosuonparedo on the Krazydad discord led me to create this proof-of-concept puzzle. Here are the rules :

    Draw a loop through the center of all cells. The loop travels orthogonally from cell to cell.

- The loop cannot branch or cross itself.

- Clues indicate the order in which the loop passes through the cells. Cells are indexed from 1 to N (N the number of cells in the grid).

- A ? can represent any digit, but no leading ? can be zero (e.g. ?6 cannot be 06). 

    Thanks to Kays, Menderbug and Rook for testing and feedback.

Penpa+ interface


mardi 8 octobre 2024

Ice and Fire #2

     2 more Ice and Fire puzzles for today. The first one is by MemePuzzleBot 4.0.5 (AKA Botaku on CtC). Rules here.

    Thanks to Botaku for letting me share his puzzle here.

Puzzle 1 (Botaku) - Puzzle 2


lundi 7 octobre 2024


     Anymino is a shading genre taking a twist on LITS-style puzzles invented by Anurag Sahay. Setting these was not easy, but worse is I can't imagine making even harder ones. Hope that these are accessible enough if you don't know this nice genre. Here are the rules :

    Shade some cells in the grid so that each region contains one orthogonally connected block.

- A block of size N must be directly adjacent to another block of the same size N.

- 2 adjacent blocks cannot be of same size and shape (counting reflectinos/rotations).

- There cannot be a 2x2 of black cells.

- All black cells form an orthogonally connected network.

You can find a solved example on Kudamono.

    Thanks to Wessel for testing and feedback (you're the best 💙)

Kudamono : Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2 | Penpa+ : Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


dimanche 6 octobre 2024

Fillomino N-C

     Non-consecutive fillomino. You can find an older one here. (don't forget that doesn't enforce the n-c rule.)

    Thanks to Muhorka and Wessel for testing and feedback. interface - Pzv (no auto borders)

samedi 5 octobre 2024

Shading Shake #3

    Another compilation of shading puzzles. I included a scraped tapa plus 3 puzzles for this post : Tapa, Heyawake and Kurohappo (rules can be found on the "help" tab on or the "rules" tab on kudamono). Hope these are fun (I recommend doing the Kurohappo).

    Thanks to Mender and Rook for testing and feedback on the Kurohappo.

Tapa 1 - Tapa 2 - Heyawake - Kurohappo (penpa+)

vendredi 4 octobre 2024

Ichimaga (Crossing)

     Ichimaga is a genre where you form a network by connecting circles 2 by 2. This goes in the loop category for now lol. I made these puzzles simply because there isn't many of them in the wild. Here are the rules :

Draw lines over the dotted lines to connect the circles into one network.

- A line must connect two circles, and can turn no more than once.
- Two lines are allowed to cross if they both go straight through the crossing. Lines cannot branch or otherwise overlap.
- Numbers indicate the total amount of lines that are connected to that circle.

Thanks to Kays, Stef, and Wessel for testing, help and feedback.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


jeudi 3 octobre 2024

Masyu (Foreshadowing)

     Following an idea cooked by my last braincell, Masyu (Foreshadowing) is a genre made in collaboration with Barbitos (who frankly just talked about foreshadow then I flipped.) This is a bad idea and in no circumstances should this by imitated at home, even if i'm not a professional to begin with. Here are the rules :

    Draw a loop that goes through all pearls.

- The loop cannot cross itself or branch off.

- White pearls must be passed straight throught then at least one turn must occur immediately before or after the pearl. Black pearls must lie on a turn and the loop must go straight immediately before and after the pearl. However, some pearls may not enfore the rule immediately (see below).

- A number in a pearl indicate when the pearl rule takes place. A pearl with the number X enforces its rules on the Xth cell visited by the loop after visiting the pearl (a 0 means the rule takes place on the pearl itself.) Multiple pearls can take effect at the same time if they are of the same color.

    The light gray cells show where the white pearls take effect, drak gray for black pearls.

Click here for an interactive version of the example puzzle.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


mercredi 2 octobre 2024

Remember length 2️⃣🚪→→🚪

      Remember Length (remlen for short) is a full, oriented loop genre, invented by Palmer Mebane. This genre calls for heavy use of topology and oriented loop logic, so it isn't begginer firendly. The puzzles for today should still be accessible (at least the first one). Here are the rules :

Draw lines through orthogonally adjacent cells to form a directional loop.

- All cells must be visited.
- The loop cannot branch off or cross itself.
- Each time the loop exits a region containing a number, its visit to the next region must consist of exactly that number of cells.

Rules taken from - click here for a solved example.

    I like this genre with what logic the clues can offer. I hope that these puzzles can make you appreciate the genre, if not then maybe easier puzzles could be made (these are still pretty easy for my standard though).

    Thanks to Barbitos and Wessel for testing, help and feedback.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


mardi 1 octobre 2024

Araf 👿

      Araf is a regdiv genre with clues that come in pairs. While the same means "Hell", the genre allows for all difficulties of puzzles (but it can get very hard). Here are the rules :

Draw lines over the dotted lines to divide the board into several blocks.

- Each block contains exactly two numbers.
- The size of the block must be between the two numbers, excluding both numbers.
- Question marks can be replaced by any number.

Rules taken from - click here for a solved example.

    I'm liking the idea of 2 puzzles per post, a small and a regular one (or easy - medium/hard). I'll see if I can stick to this format.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


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