samedi 5 août 2023

Word Connection #3 : Money Game 💸🕹️

     Continuing the Word Connection puzzles, here is an even bigger puzzle (in terms of word bank, it's still a 10x10), with this time a theming based on lyrics of a song. This puzzle may seem tedious, but I can assure that looking at the right place can make for smooth(-ish) progress on the grid.

    The lyrics comes from the song Money Game : Part 2, by Ren. You may either know this artist directly (who usually comes off as a whistleblower in his songs, with very punchy lyrics) or by the internet meme "Luigi explains capitalism". It uses the famous tonguetwister "she sells sea shells on a sea shore" (and yes, in the actual song, it's not "the" but "a" but I will NOT bother with that fact), and degenerates into greedy capitalism and manipulation.

    Don't forget, if a word appears multiple times, it must appear in the correct place in the list as you travel along the line, for every occurence.

    Check the oldest post for the rules.

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