vendredi 9 février 2024

Curve Data 📊

    Today, we are checking out Curve Data, an object placement genre with simple yet confusing rules. As such, puzzles may greatly vary on difficulty based on the solver (all puzzles can be percieved as overrated or underrated based on who's solving them.). This genre is great for making themed puzzles with a great flexibility on the clues. Here are the rules :

Draw orthogonal lines between cells to form figures.

- Every unshaded cell must have a line. Shaded cells cannot contain lines.

- Lines cannot go through bold borders.

- Every figure must overlap exactly one clue.

- Clues indicate the shape of the figure that overlaps it, without rotation or reflection. The length of each line segment can be expanded or reduced, as long as it is at least 1.

Rules taken from -> click here for a solved example.

    Thanks to Barbitos for testing and feedback on puzzle 2.

Puzzle 1 (easy)

Puzzle 2 (medium)

Puzzle 3 (hard)

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