jeudi 10 octobre 2024

Cocktail Lamp 🍸🔦

      Cocktail Lamp (I use clamp for short) (no idea why that name) is a shading genre. You can find an older one here, but today's post is part of an old set when I first discovered the genre. Here are the rules :

    Shade some cells on the board to form blocks.

- Regions contain no more than one block, which is an orthogonally connected group of shaded cells.
- A number indicates the size of the block in the region.
- Shaded cells cannot be adjacent across region borders.
- The shaded cells cannot form a 2x2 square.
- All blocks form a diagonally contiguous area.

Rules taken from - click here for a solved example.

    Here are the first 3 puzzles from a set of 9. The rest will be published in 2 more blocks of 3.

    Thanks to WSPC France discord for feedback. : Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3

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