jeudi 3 octobre 2024

Masyu (Foreshadowing)

     Following an idea cooked by my last braincell, Masyu (Foreshadowing) is a genre made in collaboration with Barbitos (who frankly just talked about foreshadow then I flipped.) This is a bad idea and in no circumstances should this by imitated at home, even if i'm not a professional to begin with. Here are the rules :

    Draw a loop that goes through all pearls.

- The loop cannot cross itself or branch off.

- White pearls must be passed straight throught then at least one turn must occur immediately before or after the pearl. Black pearls must lie on a turn and the loop must go straight immediately before and after the pearl. However, some pearls may not enfore the rule immediately (see below).

- A number in a pearl indicate when the pearl rule takes place. A pearl with the number X enforces its rules on the Xth cell visited by the loop after visiting the pearl (a 0 means the rule takes place on the pearl itself.) Multiple pearls can take effect at the same time if they are of the same color.

    The light gray cells show where the white pearls take effect, drak gray for black pearls.

Click here for an interactive version of the example puzzle.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


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