A giant Slitherlink puzzle. As tough as the previous 3 puzzles, but with more puzzle to solve. Check this post for the rules.
vendredi 29 septembre 2023
mercredi 27 septembre 2023
mardi 26 septembre 2023
lundi 25 septembre 2023
Slitherlink 🐍🔗
Here is a small Slitherlink puzzle to make up for the lack of content this week-end. I was participating in a 24h puzzle tournament with other French WSPC team members, taking the puzzles from the 24h Budapest 2019 tournament. Here are the rules :
Draw lines along the edges of some cells to form a loop.
- The loop cannot branch off or cross itself.
- A number indicates the amount of edges surrounding the cell that are visited by the loop.
Rules taken from puzz.link - click here for a solved example.
vendredi 22 septembre 2023
Double Choco 🍫🍫
Double Choco is a region division puzzle with simple rules, but it's quite hard to visualize the regions from time to time. The genre reminds of Galaxies while keeping flexibility with region sizes (which you will see how little you can indicate...). Here are the rules :
Divide the grid into regions.
- Each region contains one white and one grey contiguous area. Both areas must be the same size and shape. They can be rotated or mirrored.
- A number indicates the size of the (same colored) area the number is placed in. A region can contain one or more identical numbers.
Rules taken from puzz.link - click here for a solved example.
It's quite a recent genre from Nikoli, but has since made for really tough puzzles. Usually it requires step-by-step research on how to accomodate for big regions or finding which cells belong with which others. Do not get scared by the medium sized-puzzle and do go back to this post for a similar puzzle. I do not expect people discovering the genre here to solve the third puzzle without struggle.
Puzzle 1 (easy)
Puzzle 2 (medium)
Puzzle 3 (hard)
mardi 19 septembre 2023
Division Dinner #1
Time has come for a region division puzzle pack. Today we're featuring Sashigane, Fillmat, Pentominous, Double Choco and Hougan Bunkatsu. Wafusuma was featured in a week series so if you haven't tried the puzzles, check them out. It felt redundant to make more for now. The rules of Hougan Bunkatsu are detailed below, others have a rules section in the "Help" tab.
Rules for Hougan Bunkatsu :
- Divide the grid into areas.
- In a region a letter may occur only once.
- A subset sign (⊂) between two areas indicates that the area to which the rounding points is a true subset of the letters in the other area.
- An equal sign (=) between two areas indicates that both areas contain the same letters.
- All subset- and equal-signs are already given.
Rules taken from janko.at - click here for solved example puzzles.
I'm satisfied with all puzzles here, but do look up Fillmat and Hougan Bunkatsu before if you never heard of them and are not sure about handling the difficulty of these ones. More Double Chocos coming Friday.
Edit : Sashigane was updated because of two solutions in previous version.
Sashigane (easy to medium)
Double Choco (medium)
Pentominous (medium)
Fillmat (medium to hard)
Hougan Bunkatsu (medium to hard)
dimanche 17 septembre 2023
Square Jam ⬜🍓
Here are some Square Jam puzzles. It is a region division genre with a simplist ruleset that allows for cascading deductions and fun solves, being accessible to begginers in puzzle solving. Here are the rules :
Divide the grid into square-shaped regions.
- A number indicates the side length of the square it's contained in. Squares may have any amount of identical numbers.
- Region borders must not form 4-way intersections.
Rules taken from puzz.link - click here for a solved example.
Puzzles today should be of increasing difficulty, with nothing to twist a neuron to nevertheless.
Edit : Puzzle 2 is fixed. Image is currently inaccurate.
vendredi 15 septembre 2023
Kurotto 3️⃣⬛⬛⬛
Kurotto is a shading genre. The rules are very simplistic and make for a great introductory genre. While I haven't dabbled too much in kurotto solving, everyone shoud give it a try. Here are the rules :
- Shade some cells in the grid to form orthogonally connected groups.
- Clues cannot be shaded and numbers indicate the total area of all groups directly adjacent to the clue. An empty clue indicate an unknown total area.
With only 2 lines, the rules added to a solved example here makes it very easy to understand but can make for quite the tough puzzle. This post is only about easier puzzles, but I won't refrain from making harder ones next time.
mercredi 13 septembre 2023
Some leftovers after a break...
Hello again ! I took quite the break and should now try to keep a steady rhythm on publications here. I won't adress the reason of my hiatus, but everything should be taking off again soon.
Here are 3 puzzles made during the end of August : Nurikabe, Castle Wall and Water Walk. The first 2 will probably get more attention with their own post sometime, and Water walk is a genre I decided to try and found pretty fun although not my cup of tea. The rules are available on the "Help" tab in the link provided.
All puzzles here are at a difficulty slightly above average, but still accessible.
New here ?
Anymino is a shading genre taking a twist on LITS-style puzzles invented by Anurag Sahay . Setting these was not easy, but worse is ...
Following an idea cooked by my last braincell, Masyu (Foreshadowing) is a genre made in collaboration with Barbitos (who frankly just...