Yajisan-Kazusan is a shading puzzle type. Here are the rules :
Shade some cells on the board.
- Shaded cells cannot be horizontally or vertically adjacent.
- A number indicates the amount of shaded cells in the given direction. If a clue is shaded, the number becomes meaningless (it may be true or false).
- All unshaded cells on the board from an orthogonally connected area.
Rules taken from https://puzz.link/rules.html?yajikazu <- Check the link to see a solved example puzzle.
I've made little "sprints" consisting of 3 puzzles of the same type (sometimes with variants), where the goal is to do all 3 of them, as fast as possible (summing times for final score, and can be done in multiple sittings) with friends. Here are the training/discovery puzzles I made.
https://puzz.link/p?yajikazu/8/8/a2241f4312b111031a4311b323323d22f31d111242b1131a122031b1333f1231a https://puzz.link/p?yajikazu/8/8/b42c31a42212222b32c10b322121c3132a20b30a3132c434142b20c13b10133221a30c33b https://puzz.link/p?yajikazu/10/10/d3142e114023b222111b43f21b12a11223321a41d41b42f13b33d22a43212142a22b41f32b432141b332040e1212d https://puzz.link/p?yajikazu/10/10/44b2331b22233442a10b33d24a20b11a4111d4122a31b22a1144c21b3313b21c1240a22b31a2220d4312a41b33a21d43b33a32441241b3212b13