mardi 15 octobre 2024

Cocktail Lamp #2

    3 more Cocktail Lamps for today. Find the previous ones here, continuing on the old batch.

    Thanks to the WSPC France discord for feedback.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3


lundi 14 octobre 2024


      Nurisho is a variant of nurikabe that uses center symmetry to define regions. IT IS NOT NURI-UZU. Here are the rules :

    Shade some cells on the board to create unshaded regions.

- No 2x2 square can be entirely shaded.

- All shaded cells form an orthogonally contiguous area.

- A region is defined by its center of symmetry, located at a white dot. All white dots are given and all reginos must contain a dot.

    Thanks to WSPC France discord for testing and feedback.

Puzzle 1 - Puzzle 2


dimanche 13 octobre 2024

Word Snail 🐌

      Word Snail today. An old puzzle which works really well with the theme (from an old french meme). Here are the rules :

    Place all words in the grid.

- Words are written from the outside to the center, following the thin edges (following the spiral).

- No letter may be repeated in a row or column.

- Two words are separated by at least one white cell. No spaces are allowed between letters of the same word.

    Thanks to WSPC France discord for testing and feedback.

Penpa+ interface


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